Sunday, August 15, 2010

photoshoot 2!

the photographers:
ib, nuar, ajex, adik, fizzal!!

the output:


kasut baru shaye!

ajexx bersantai:P

mnikmati keindahan matahari..panass whoaaahhh:)

diorg yg hebat dan sy yg comel:P

p/s: sp2 bminat utk guna diorg utk pape event leh contact sy!


suraya's weeding!

congrats! congrats! congrats!
suraya & zhafran:)

p/s: sorry xdpt dtg weeding korg!
semoga berkekalan hingga anak cucu:)

besday aiman! :)

happy besday aiman!!!:)
sy dh jd uncle umar~tua nye rs :p

aiman setahun dh! kjap gler~

with mama n papa!
adik & his wife, ira~

with uncle umar!

p/s: xmo nanges2 lg yea aiman!:)))))))